YON Blog

Modern Family S01E06

I was supposed to keep a journal all summer.

I thought we have a raccoon.

Let’s get going.

It’s a traditional Colombia poncho.

Am I driving him to school or is he gonna ride his burro?

You are a cutie pie.

Are you still baby-proofing?

Everything we own is pointy.

Clearly she’s Diana Ross from the R.C.A years.

How is Daddy not seeing that?

I guess I’m a somewhat of a shutterbug.

Honey, you moving out?

Here, I will help you carry it out to the curb.

Come on! This covers up more than my bathing suit.

Can’t he pick me up someplace else?

Haley just got her learner’s permit.

Okay, merge.

This navigation system is all messed up.

Makes you realize we’re all just handing by a thread.

Niagara Falls and log rides.

I wear all sort of daring outfits all the time.

I just think it’s a little over-the-top.

You need to lossen up and have fun.

Did you put hair spary on this?

Put a little boogie in it.

So you ate your way to it?

I made a judgement call.

So she can be all judgemental and condescending?

Usually we just give time-outs.

We just kind of bonked Lily’s head.

Load up the car.

I just dropped Manny off at school.

And I was hoping we’d still have a few more good years before the mind started to go.

Jay’s very spontaneous.

He’s always surprising me with little presents, fun getaways.

And maybe by my third marriage, I’ll have it down pat.

I’ve been meaning to get to it for a while.

Don’t you have an open house this morning?

Thought you might like some company.

The nest is empty.

They are ruddlerless.

I wear my special shoes with the big soles.

We dodged a bullet on this.

I remember one time Mitchell decided to wear a jaunty scarf to school.

My dad has this perception that I was very flamboyant as a kid.

I kept the whole gay thing very under wraps.

I was basically a jock.

Getting tormented just because he’s different.

Batman doesn’t get picked on and he wears a cape.

He’s a muscular genius.

Manny can’t make it to the top bunk.

I always take the stairs two at a time.

It happened a couple hours ago on a doorjamb.

It was a wig, actually. Sort of a ghetto-fabulous Afro thing.

Have you noticed any vomiting since the head bump?

There’s a fantastic pho place.