YON Blog

Modern Family S01E03

You are just in time to catch the end of the game.

Dylan! D-Money! Chillin’ with Dytlan the villain!

I thought you were gonna take out the garbage.

I was just being facetious.

Sit it. Park it.

How you and Hayley doing?

You gotta be familiar with airfoil, drag, lift and thrust and these are all principles of aerodynamics.

Wrestle.” You wrestle. You can’t box with alligators.

How would they get the gloves on those little claws.

We’re just gonna buy some diaplers.

Mitchell is snob.

I’m discerning. Official slogan for snobs.

When we first met, he wouldn’t even look at me because I was a hick from the farm in Missouri, and he’s a big city mouse.

Who says “city mouse”? Country mice.

Can you grab the garbage?

He’s a little jumpy.

Oh, go figure a teenage boy doesn’t want to hang out with his girfriend’s dad.

You still walk on eggshells around him.

Jay and I are total buds.

You use strategy to expand territories and take over the world.

He’s out back playing.

Jay and I are buds, for sure, but with kind of an invisible asterisk.

Once he ran over my foot with his car.

It’s not really her thing.

Your thing is to provoke.

The thing about me and Jay is our relationship’s always been stuck in that primal place where is started.

He’s the old silverback protecting his femalse, then along comes this younger, stronger gorilla swinging in, beating his chest.

The ape lades come running, presenting their nice scarlet behinds.

The enemy is poachers.

Now we can open that general store.

We had a saying on the farm: As long as you’re bringing the mule to the market…

I feel you rolling your eyes at me.

I would get a little boisterous.

We were playing charades.

Without missing a beat.

The paper shredder I wanted. Confetti and crosscut.

Those cookies smell like heaven. Your own recipe?

Added the secret ingredient of caring?

Two girls out for an afternoon fun.

Adults always say that, but they don’t mean it.

Can you do a loop-de-loop?

There’s another trick called “threading the needle.”

You grab one of those hoops over there.

I get chance flying it?

Alex and I can’t just disagree. I mean, she has to turn everything into a fight.

I was nerver hostile though.

I won’t give up being myself for being a second.

They sell baby formula and they sell coffins.

The sell shed.

I’m in the applesauce aisle.

I’m big, I’m not fancy and I dare you to not like me.

That’s gross.

Let’s go back to your piercings.

The cute busboy doesn’t know that you’re smart.

Was my mother hard on me growing up?

Do you see how she has to provoke me?

That’s the painkiller talking.

He is a little loopy.

We all saw the tire marks on the lawn.

Actually, this is called an aileron.

Stal still. Say “cheese.”

I didn’t want to mess his head.