Modern Family S01E02

What’s the key to being a great dad?

Giving them the freedom to be whatever they want to be. Whether that’s a painter, a poet, a pilot, a president of a company or of a country.

The two-bedroom cottage with the indoor-outdoor family room.

It’s creepy.

I’m a real estate mogul.

We caravanned that house.

Who is coconuts enough to divorce you?

He spilled a soda on my computer.

I’m all for teaching him a lesson.

But I worry about the ridicule he might get from some loudmouth bully.

He looks like Little Bo Peep on that thing.

Sometimes a man’s gotta put his foot down and do what a man’s gotta do.

It’s a toddler play class, not a flight to Cabo.

Wow! Paisley and pink.

Was there something wrong with the fishnet tank top.

I don’t wanna rub anyone the wrong way.

I’ll just go put on a pair of khakis, maybe a polo shirt.

I called that place in Nap and got us upgraded to a villa with a hot tub.

He keeps us grounded.

Limo gets here at 4:00.

In my culture, men take great pride in doing physical labor.

Your words, not mine.

Don’t make us look like jerks here.

Have, like, three butt-loads of fun.

I’m gonna tie a noose on this thing.

If you have two stubborn burros that don’t like each other, you tie them to the same cart.

Failure to heed these warnings can lead to serious injury or death.

He’s a total flake.

It’s appointment viewing.

I do a pretty good Claire.

Which gives me more time to grill.

Who wants to start us off?

Dance us in, P.J.!

Is she grabbing or scooting yet?

Tamp down my natural gifts.

But that’s how I make my horsey go.

I locked myself out of my house.

Would I ever act on it?

Calloused hands.

Someone swiped it from me.


So, any chance I could get a break on this one?

So, you wanna go for the insurance this time, or is it still for suckers?

Well played, milord.

I will take some insurance.

If I went out to the garage, took a picture for a scrapbook, there’d be no surprises?

I scratched it on my way into the driveway.

Who boosted who through a bedroom window.

You gave me the wrong screwdriver.

I got a two-seater parked in the driveway.

Why are you trying to sneak around and hide things from me?

It’s hilarious.

I just love ya so darn much.

Classic me.

Seen any movies lately?

We tape all of our classes.

It keeps them out of the moment.

The eye candy here can’t leave the house without spending 20 minutes in front of the mirror.

Superman can’t drag himself away from a craps table.

You gotta hang in there.

Because when all is said and done, 90% of being a dad is just showin’ up.

It’s so hard to imagine being put in that position.