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UDP Fragmentation

我们知道, UDP 是不可靠的, 比如你无法知道数据包是否发送成功, 你也无法知道数据包到达的先后顺序.

那么问题就来了, 当使用 sendto 时, 协议能否保证传给 sendto 的数据被打包成一个 UDP 数据包呢? 还是像 TCP 一样, 根据 MSS 对数据进行分割后再打包? 直觉上来说应该是有保证的, 否则的话, UDP 真心鸡肋啊!

最终在 UNIX Network Programming Vol 1 中找到了答案.


This time, we show the socket send buffer as a dashed box because it doesn’t really exist. A UDP socket has a send buffer size (which we can change with the SO_SNDBUF socket option, Section 7.5), but this is simply an upper limit on the maximum-sized UDP datagram that can be written to the socket. If an application writes a datagram larger than the socket send buffer size, EMSGSIZE is returned.