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JavaScript Function Scope and Closures

重看了 “JavaScript: The Definitive Guide” 中的 Section 8.8: Function Scope and Closures, 略记录几点.



Functions in JavaScript are lexically rather than dynamically scoped. This means that they run in the scope in which they are defined, not the scope from which they are executed.

一开始我对 define 产生了误解, 比如下面这段代码:

function foo() {
    function bar() {

我本来对 define 的理解是, foo() 被 define 的时候, bar() 也被 define 了. 而事实是, 当 foo() 被调用的时候, bar() 才被 define.


为什么要叫 Closure? 我印象中, 闭包应该是数学上的概念, 比如 Wiki 上对 Closure 的定义是:

A set has closure under an operation if performance of that operation on members of the set always produces a member of the same set.

再来看 “JavaScript: The Definitive Guide” 中对 Closure 的定义:

JavaScript functions are a combination of code to be executed and the scope in which to execute them. This combination of code and scope is known as a closure in the computer science literature.

数学上对 Closure 的定义中有两个关键字: set 和 operation, 正好对应 JavsScript 对 Closure 的定义中的 scope 和 code. Code 对 scope 里的变量进行操作, 操作后的变量仍然是属于 scope 的. JavaScript 中 Closure 这个名字真的是取得再合适不过了!